Fusion Managed Service (FMS) – your key to an agile business

In an ever evolving marketplace, managing talent flexibly keeps organisations lean and competitive. For many corporations, this means that a robust contingent workforce strategy is key to agility.

Fusion Managed Service (FMS) – Inkfusion (SG) Pte Ltd diversified this new division in Nov 2019 as a managed service solution provider empowering companies make the smartest, most effective utilisation of a dynamic solutions.

Contingent workers at your fingertips

To optimise your company’s talent needs, our FMS specialists can directly source contingent workers and vet and manage contingent workforce talents. You’ll gain rapid access to the skills you need to run your business.

We can also help you with urgent requirements for gig services or workers and freelancers, putting you in contact with extra support when it’s needed most, or on a casual basis.

Contact Mike Chia, our project director, for FMS @ Inkfusion (SG) Pte Ltd via +65 90935120 for an obligation-free discussion of your requirement.